
when you need honest information from a professional organization.

More about us

Our mission is to be a leader in our field by providing our clients with professional mould related services in a compassionate, efficient, supportive and cost-effective manner. 

who we are

MouldMedic was founded in 2009 to fill a need for clients who wanted direct, honest feedback with respect to their concerns with mould.

A void existed of compassionate and knowledgeable professionals to help them understand the problem in a realistic way, guide them through the situation and help them not only remediate the mould (if it existed), but also to guide them in putting strategies in place to prevent the mould from recurring.

We will educate you and help you address the cause of the mould. We do not want you to become a repeat customer – we want you to become a satisfied customer who will not have to come back to us with the same problem.

MouldMedic takes pride in informing and educating our clients. We dispel a lot of the misinformation that is out there by providing facts.

Once you know what you are dealing with, it becomes much easier to do so.

the services that we offer

We are committed to provide our customers with a level of care and professionalism, in all our services, that we ourselves would expect.

mould inspections

We provide a discreet and professional mould inspection service. Not only will we identify whether you have a mould problem or not, we will also go the extra mile and find the cause of your mould problem.

Air Quality testing

With over 10 years of experience, we have the ability, using air sample collection methods and professional laboratory services, to identify the level of mould spores in the air and in addition, narrow down the possible sources where mould is not visible.

root cause analysis

Unless you identify the cause, mould will keep coming back. MouldMedic@ is proud to have an excellent track record in identifying the root cause of mould problems. We are able to provide you with advice on the steps that you need to take in order to prevent mould from re-emerging. We provide this as a complementary service along with our mould inspections and/or air quality testing

mould consultations

We tie in our mould consultations with the Mould Inspection and Air Quality Testing services we offer. We sit down with you, our client, and answer questions or concerns that you may have regarding your mould situation. This ensures that you have a full understanding of the situation, including how you got there and what you need to do in order to be permanently free of the problem.

asbestos testing

If your house was built or renovated in 1977 or before it is likely to have been with asbestos containing materials. Most people are aware that a 9 inch by 9 inch vinyl floor tile may contain asbestos, but don’t know that it can also be present in the plaster on walls. Before you start any renovations or demolition have your property tested for asbestos containing materials. MouldMedic® can assist you in providing asbestos testing services in a quick and efficient manner.

formaldehyde testing

Formaldehyde is a highly toxic systemic poison which is linked to cancer in humans. It is in in manufactured wood products used as building materials such as OSB, plywood, MDF, and particle board which is used in the manufacture of furniture such as desks, bookshelves, beds, kitchen cabinets, and also those MDF baseboards that are now so common. Manufacturers also use Formaldehyde in paints, coatings, plastic products, pesticides, cosmetics, mattress ticking, leather goods, adhesives, glues, resins, synthetic fabrics, permanent press bedding, clothing, and drapes. The U.S. regulates Formaldehyde, however Canada currently does not. Have MouldMedic test your home for formaldehyde gas today.

voc (volatile organic compound) testing

Volatile organic compounds or VOC’s have health effects, including eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, loss of coordination and nausea as symptoms and result in such things as liver and kidney damage and also central nervous system damage. VOC’s can be found in paints, paint strippers and other solvents, wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, pesticides, cleaners and disinfectants, moth repellents and air fresheners, stored fuels, automotive products, hobby supplies, and even dry-cleaned clothing. Other products, including: building materials and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers and photographic solutions. MouldMedic can test your building's formaldehyde levels today.

emergency and structural drying services

In all cases, mould results from the combination of spores, digestible materials and moisture. Mould remediation may need to be complemented by structural drying to stop the mould growth or to prevent further intrusion. This requires indoor environmental management. Along with our mould expertise, we are equipped to provide drying services. Using state of the art Low Grain Refrigerant dehumidifiers, we are able to dry your property and prevent or stop mould growth..

mould remediation

Mould remediation usually involves, de-construction and remediation protocols. If there is less than 10 square feet of mould then most guidelines state that you can take care of it yourself. If you have any area of mould greater than 10 square feet you should leave the remediation work to professionals. We have the experience in dealing with small to large mould situations and use the appropriate methods, thus ensuring a healthy and safe environment for the property owners/occupants.

Re-Construction services

MouldMedic has over 10 years of restoration experience. We are able to put the home back to its former glory. MouldMedic has the knowledge and expertise to give you back a property in its original pre-mould state. Our clients rave that they have their property back to its former glory.

Samples of Our Work

We have experience in restoring homes and properties to better than original condition. MouldMedic’s restoration work is second to none. See some examples of our work below.

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