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Formaldehyde and Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Lou Gehrig’s Disease Lou Gehrig’s disease, also known as ALS is a progressive disease. It is a disease which causes nerve cells to gradually break down and die. The Mayo Clinic states that it can affect the ability to control the muscles needed to move, speak, eat and breathe. This eventually leads to death. Some…

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Danger of Keeping Your Steel Sink

The Lovely Steel Sink There is a risk of keeping your colourful 70’s steel sink in service. Steel sinks from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s were available in a multitude of colours, including white. Many home still have these old sinks, but there is a problem. They are prone to rust-out. A situation that can…

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Attic Mould

The Latest ‘Silver Bullet’ Solution for Your Attic Mould: The mould remediation industry is filled with new and inexpensive ways to treat your attic mould. There are dozens do-it-yourself products on the market and at your local big-box store. The manufacturers of these products insist that they will work wonders. Products that promise to remove…

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Wall Tiles Cracking?

Well, it looks like Bill had another problem. This time he identified cracking wall grout in the custom built walk-in shower next to the master bedroom. It appears that the grout is cracking. Bill tried, as in his previous floor tiles, to fix the crack by dabbing on some clear silicone. This only made the…

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